Monday 9 March 2009


According to zuster Klivia (I'm sorry, this is kind of a dutch-readings only thing), peace would come when everyone would pick up knitting.
Wouldn't it be nice to see all the people in parliament working on their socks, shawls or sweaters while discussing all the important stuff?

I thought I'd heard most of the songs from Ja zuster nee zuster but this one I never heard. It's lovely, not only because of the lyrics but the music is pretty sweet too!

Speaking of peace and pretty sweet things: look at this!

Pretty sweet man, pretty sweet song and even prettier: look at him wearing his son!
It makes me kinda sad to think about how a man who could make music as lovely as this just isn't here anymore. How stupid is that, I wasn't even born when he was murdered and it is not as if there isn't a ton of music to listen to. I guess I've always had a soft spot for the beatles!


  1. Or how about sewing for peace?

    sorry :P

  2. Ik heb die zusters vroeger veel zien breien, maar tegenwoordig breid zelf de toiletjufrouw niet meer.
    Ik denk dat ik m'n breipennen weer van zolder haal.
